At Peace Church, we believe God desires us ALL to grow in faith. We believe that God seeks our hearts and minds to become more like that of Christ. We also believe scripture is the best source of knowledge as we seek to love God withour hearts, minds, souls and strength. We believe being together building relationships in small groups is the best way to allow God to grow us and deepen our faith. So join us to experience fellowship and scripture in new and exicting ways at Sunday School.
Children Sunday School Classes:
PeaceKids Sunday School is currently meeting at 11:15am here at Peace Church in the kids room at the back of the building! We'd love to have your kids join us!
PeaceYouth Sunday School class meets at 11:15am in Pastor Scott's office each Sunday. This group, which is often led by the students with adults to supervise, uses the scripture of the sermon each week and discussion questions from the Serendipity Bible for Group Study. The focus is learning how to apply the wisdom from scripture to the lives of the students. Each meeting also begins with a "check-in" to see how things are going in the lives of the students. Send your youth!
Adult Sunday School Classes:
Adult Acts Class will meet every Sunday at 11:15am - Meeting In-Person (No longer on Zoom) The Adult Acts class is studying the book “Refresh Your Faith” by Lori Hatcher. Get your book today on Amazon or other retailers. The focus of the class is putting the wisdom of the book and the scripture it's based on into ACTION. This class meets in the Office Administrator's office at the front of the building just off the lobby. All invited!
APP Class (APPLICATION CLASS) This class is starting a new video series by Timothy Keller called, “The Reason for God.” This six-session small group Bible study captures live and unscripted conversations between Tim Keller and a group of people to address their doubts and objections to Christianity. Using literature, philosophy, and Scripture, Keller and the group explore the truth of Christianity. This group meets in the Grappling Zone lobby at 11:15 am on Sundays. Join us and invite a friend!