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Peace Church Pearland

What does it mean to be fully devoted to God as we describe in our mission statement?  God calls everyone to serve in some way.  Each of us has been given gifts and God wants us to use them, use them to glorify God!  We do that when we serve the least, the last, and the lost, as Jesus says in Matthew 25.  When we serve those in need we are serving Christ and we are living out our faith the way we are called to live.  What are you good at?  What has God blessed you with?  Whatever it is, God wants you to use it for God's purposes to help somone. 

Of course, ALL our serving opportunities are open to ANYONE, whether you are a member, a guest, a Christian, or not.  We welcome anyone to come help us bless our community and those in need.  If you're just looking for some service hours or if you just want to give back to people in need in some way, you are welcome to join us at any of our serving ministries.  So check out the links below to find an opportunity to serve that God might be calling you to get involved with.  If there's something you'd like to do that is not on the list, feel free to email Pastor Scott at and we might be able to start something new, with your help!  God bless you as you serve!