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Peace Church Pearland


Life of Peace


WELCOME!! If you are a guest with us here at Peace Church, welcome!  Our prayer is that you find our family of faith warm and welcoming and that you consider joining us again soon.  Below are announcements about the many ways we are involved in our community and how we seek to bless it. If you have any questions or want to get involved in anything you read about below, don’t hesitate to ask me or call or text Pastor Scott’s phone at (936) 520-7711.  And if there is ever anything at all we can do for you, please just ask! 


Online & In Person Team Meetings:  VBS Training:  Sunday, July 21st, 11:00 a.m. in person.  Session:  Sunday, July 21st, 12:30 p.m. in person.  VBS Decorating Party! Thursday, July 25th, 7 p.m.


Sunday School Classes:

App Sunday School Class Curriculum: Being Human.  This class has started a new video series by Jo Frost and Peter Lynas.  It is a riveting exploration of the cultural stories shaping the world we live in, as we seek biblical answers to the question, ‘What does it mean to be human?’ If you’re unsatisfied by or worried about the post-truth, you-do-you narratives that are common these days, this six-part video series will reorient you to God’s good and beautiful plan – and Jesus, our perfect model – for Being Human. This group meets in the Grappling Zone lobby at 11am on Sundays.  Join us and invite a friend!


Adult Acts Class: The Adult Acts class is studying the book “Refresh Your Prayers: Uncommon Devotions to Restore Power and Praise” by Lori Hatcher. Book is available on Amazon or other book retailers. All are welcome to join the class. Vicki Evans is the leader of this class. Adult Acts Class meets every Sunday at 11:15am In-Person in the back room at the church.


PeaceKids & PeaceYouth Sunday School: Children (PreK—4th grade) and youth (5th—12th grade) classes meet in-person at the church at 11:15am! We'd love to have your kids join us!


Peace Youth Group Meetings:   The youth will  be serving dinner as part of the Trivia & Karaoke Night fundraiser on Saturday, July 20th, and need to be there from 4-8pm.  The youth will also take their annual trip the lake on Monday, July 22nd, 4-9 p.m.  Please send your youth with $5 for dinner. 


Upcoming Sermon Series: Proverbs: Walking in Wisdom: What does it mean to be wise?  Is it just about intelligence combined with experience?  What is the source of the best wisdom the world has ever known?  The book of Proverbs answers these and other questions about this most valuable of assets that leads us to the abundant living Jesus offers to us.  We’ll explore this book and discover what TRUE wisdom looks like so we can walk in it all the days of our lives.  This sermon series will run from August 4—September 1.  Join us and invite friends!


Prayer for Schools in 2024 Planned! Peace Church has volunteered to join hundreds of other Christians across Pearland and Alvin to pray for our schools as kids and teachers prepare to resume classes soon.  Our great ministry partner, Modern Acts, has organized the prayer walk again this year on Sunday, August 4th, from 3-5 p.m.   We will meet with folks from the other churches for a brief rally at Pearland Jr. High South (4719 Bailey Road) at 3 and head to our assigned school, Silverlake Elementary, to pray at 4.  Please sign up on the bulletin board or let Pastor Scott know you can help with this great way to bless our community in prayer!


Summer Food Challenge is ON!  Join us again this summer as we collect non-perishable food for Christian Helping Hands in our competition with Southminster Presbyterian Church in Missouri City to see who can donate the most food by weight.  The Summer Food Challenge runs through all of June, July, and August.  Items especially needed right now are peanut butter, canned pasta sauce (no glass containers), grape jello, green beans, and corn. We’ll announce the winner in September and see who gets to proudly display the Soup Can Cup trophy all year!  Help us win again!  Food Drive Report from 7/14/24: Southminster Church: 59 people, 96 lbs = 1.63 lbs/person.  Peace Church: 41 people, 89 lbs = 2.17 lbs/person.   As of July 14, the combined total weight of donated food is 1282 pounds (plus whatever Southminster collected on July 7)! 


Trivia & Karaoke Night for Vets!  Join us on Saturday, July 20th, from 5-8 p.m. at the church as we raise money for the Pearland VFW and the youth group!   Entry donation of $15 per person. Participants will compete in teams and prizes will be awarded!  A pizza & salad dinner served by the youth is included!  Let Pastor Scott know you are coming!


Mark Your Calendar for Vacation Bible School!  Join us as we head DOWN UNDER for Outback Rock VBS 2024!  This amazing weekend for kids will be July 26-28 (Friday—Sunday).  More information to come, but registration for volunteers (LOTS NEEDED!) and kids is NOW OPEN!  Go to to register today!  Please help get the word out about VBS!  And please SIGN UP on the bulletin board to volunteer today!  Our staff training meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, July 21st, 11 a.m. and the decorating party is scheduled for Thursday, July 25th, 7 p.m.    Please help us out if you can!  Also, a list of items needed has been emailed, but here is what remains on the list: indoor plants (fake or real), Christmas trees (no lights or small lights, no ornaments), cardboard boxes, brown packing paper, carrots, grapes, one 8-foot ladder, floor spotlight, and any Australian themed or desert themed decorations.  These items can be dropped off at church any time before the decorating party on Thursday, July 25th, 7 p.m.  Also, we are having our VBS Celebration party after it’s over on Sunday, July 28th, at 11 a.m.  We need burgers, hotdogs, buns, chips, watermelon, drinks, and water balloons donated for that fun party.  Please sign up on the bulletin board to bring things!  Thanks!


Mark Your Calendar for the Golf Tournament!  Our 11th Annual Susan Jenkins Memorial Peace for Pearland Golf Tournament  will be Friday, October 18th at 9 a.m.   A leadership team has formed and will be recruiting more volunteers, so please let Pastor Scott know if you can help out.  EVERYONE in the church will need to help in some way to make this very important fundraising and outreach event happen!


Peace Choir Rehearsals: Peace Choir  rehearses on Sunday afternoons at 12:30pm led by Cay Cummings.  Join us!!

Peace Prayer Net

Prayers & Praises for Peace Family: Prayers for Perry Herrington, recovering from his hospitalization.  Prayers for all church family members who suffered damage, injury, and/or loss of household items due to Hurricane Beryl. 


Prayers for Family and Friends:  Prayers for all those affected by Hurricane Beryl’s path and struggling to get back to “normal”.  Prayers for no more violence in our country, particularly during heightened tensions of an election year.